What You Should Know About User Experience (UX) Design

Learning How to Design UX

User Experience (UX) design involves creating products that provide meaningful experiences for consumers. This includes branding, design, usability, and function across the entire purchase and integration process. More than form, UX design spotlight users’ overall experience—from the moment they are introduced to your brand up to usage or consumption. You can boost customer retention and […]

7 Design Principles You Can Utilize to Transform UX

UX Design Planning

Appreciating brilliant design is always instinctive, whether it’s physical or digital products. However, there was little recognition of the business value of design until recently. Now design is seen as a differentiator and growth driver, while good user experience correlates with incredible business performance. Digital transformation specialists have now broadened their approach to user experience […]

How UX and UI Design Can Help Improve Your Business

UX and UI design have become more and more important in the last couple of years. Indeed, businesses have started to realize that good UX and UI design can bring many benefits to their business. This is why websites are now being designed with UX and UI in mind. With that being said, there are […]

5 Important UX Design Principles You Might Be Neglecting

UX Review for Neglected Principles

The likelihood of customers recommending your product improves by 16.6% when they have a positive user experience. UX is a scientific art form that makes commercial sense and delivers maximum ROI for businesses. A seamless UX focuses on giving users meaningful and relevant experiences to improve interactions and retention. It can be developed by persistent […]

Improve Your Website and Mobile App With These 3 UX Design Tips

Giving Tips on

Your website is one of the most powerful tools you have to catapult your business to the top! However, to make the most of your website and other digital assets, it’s crucial to provide your customers with the best user experience (UX). UX is everything—the quality of your UX design can either create a good […]

User Interface Design: Important Usability Heuristics

Typing on a Laptop

When it comes to user interface (UI) design, Jakob Nielsen’s heuristics are arguably the heuristics that are used the most. They’re not specific usability guidelines at all; they’re general principles that work quite well. Jakob Nielsen is, in a nutshell, a Danish human-computer interaction researcher and web usability consultant. These principles that he established are […]

Spatial Memory: Why Is This Crucial for UX Design?

Drinking Coffee While UX Designing

Human memory is extremely impressive. Besides remembering certain moments, events, and lessons, we also tend to recall the location of things through visual memory. With that said, it’s essential to put this into consideration during web development. Graphic user interfaces require spatial memory capabilities because they allow users to locate controls without searching and navigating […]

Usability 101: Everything You Need to Know About UX

Large Amount of Usability

UX and UI design have grown in importance over the years. Indeed, more and more websites are being designed with UX and UI in mind. With that being said, there are still people who have no idea what UX and UI are all about. This isn’t really surprising considering how abstract these concepts seem to […]

The 4 Main Differences Between UI and UX Explained

Teaching the Differences between UI and UX

The user interface (UI) collects screens, pages, and visual elements—such as buttons and icons—that allow a person to engage with a product or service, and in most cases, smoothly. The internal experience that a person experiences when they engage with every element of a company’s products and services, on the other hand, is referred to […]

Common Mobile App UX Design Mistakes You Need to Avoid

App Mistakes on Screen

While having a business website is already a must, it seems that it may no longer be enough. Developing a successful app with a strong UX design will allow you to connect and engage with your customers more than you will be able to on your website. However, just like with anything, there is a […]