UX Design Planning

7 Design Principles You Can Utilize to Transform UX

Appreciating brilliant design is always instinctive, whether it’s physical or digital products. However, there was little recognition of the business value of design until recently. Now design is seen as a differentiator and growth driver, while good user experience correlates with incredible business performance.

Digital transformation specialists have now broadened their approach to user experience (UX) to grab opportunities in design-driven growth. Here are some design principles that help innovate UX continuously.

1. User-Centered Design Methodology

Your approach to UX must be based on a deep understanding of the user, information architecture, and visual design. At the same time, you should be testing the product through the lifecycle to meet the users’ needs and do it elegantly.

The right UX methodology puts the user at the center of the design and development process in the iterative research, design, and evaluation cycle. Designers will encounter complex scenarios, most of which will be efficiently handled with the right methodology.

2. Data-Based Design Decisions

Data-informed decision-making provides answers to the why and what questions of product teams. This data-informed approach to fundamental and strategic design decisions results in better performance with more innovative outcomes.

For instance, studying user behavior patterns allow design teams to tailor products using that information. Moreover, qualitative research also contributes to finalizing designs.

3. Multi-Disciplinary Approaches

Any successful product has a team of designers whose knowledge spans numerous businesses, including marketing, analytics, strategy, and storytelling. A multi-disciplinary team results in improved UX because members are contributing different knowledge and awareness to the project.

4. Non-Use of Jargon

Not all people use technical terms that are commonly used in UX design. They haven’t all heard it and most of them probably don’t care either. Jargon is generally acceptable in a UX team but communicating to the rest of the organization means using a language that is clear and understandable to everyone.

5. Past Insights

Previous projects are a source of valuable insights and ideas, but a project’s details are very forgettable once it’s completed. Still, designers can greatly benefit from reviewing these past projects to familiarize themselves with the main insight, the response to those insights, and whether it’s being implemented. A meta-analysis of different projects can also become the basis of a good practice guide used internally and externally.

6. Accessibility

Accessibility is perhaps one of the most neglected parts of user experience and mobile UX design. About 15 percent of the global population experience problems with accessibility, which is why this is a highly important thing to integrate when transforming the user experience.

7. Innovation in Fearless Design

UX creates wonders as designers adopt skills from multiple domains. Since every UX problem is different, this kind of lateral thinking provides a differentiated approach.  Spatial memory design is a great example of incorporating the humans ability to memorize with advanced design features.


Every business or organization needs quality assets for the creation of an effective and efficient design. You need to keep design assets handy to your company at all times, whether those are icons, images, wireframe formats, vector graphics, architectures, or designed screens. These customizable assets must be indispensable so you can save time in the design process.

Seisan Consulting, LLC. is a technology consultancy helping businesses realize their potential, maximize investments, and bring ideas to life through customized, state-of-the-art digital solutions for any problem or budget.
We service mobile apps, responsive web development, geospatial development, app modernization, systems integration, and more. If you need a team of professionals who can carry out an advanced project, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with us today!

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